Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 27
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30 Sketch 0J the Development of King's College year by year substantial quota of mathematicians to the staffs of other universities research establishments and industry It has been making direct contribution to secondary education by providing an annual refresher course for teachers Independent research work and investigation under the higher degree regulations have expanded very rapidly in arts and science subjects In 1968 the department of Education formerly part of the Faculty of Arts became the Faculty of Education field centre for multi-discipline ecological studies has been opened at Rogatc in Sussex The consummation of plans for the further development of Music studies in the University was reached in 1964 with the formation of new King's College faculty and the appointment of the late Professor Thurston Dart as the head of department of Music This was further indication that the trend towards concentration of resources and compactness of interest referred to earlier in this section had been abandoned even in the face of spatial restriction and in fact the decision coincided with the com- pletion by the architects of plan in several stages for the replacement of the buildings on all parts of the site save for the original rectangular block alongside the main quadrangle The College within the University The present constitution of the College though somewhat compli- cated may be stated in few words It is divided into two sections under separate government one University of London King's College containing the faculties of arts laws science medicine engineering education and music is an incorporated school of the University of London under the control of delegacy appointed by and acting with the authority of the University the other section the theological de- partment is also school of the University but is governed by the old council of King's College London assisted by the theological com- mittee The council retains no authority over the secular side Not- withstanding this separation in government the two sections still constitute one College The principal appointed by the Crown is principal of the whole College the dean elected by the council is dean of the whole College The secretary and hifc administrative staff and the librarian and the registrar and their respective staffs are common to both sides and are appointed by the delegacy and the theological committee jointly There is full provision in the statutes for joint meetings of the theological committee and the delegacy and of the
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