Calendar: 1974-1975 Page 237
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250 Names of the Past and Present Staff 1964 Charles Duggan ph 1970 Peter James John Edgar Flint ph phil 1965 Reginald Allen Brown phil Senior lecturer 1964 Reginald Allen Brown phil Marshall Lecturers 1865 1868 1871 1883 19071 1909 1919 1920 19222 1923 19243 19314 1934 193S 1939 1944 1946s 1947 Charles Spread Townshend John Rickards Mozley Samuel Rawson Gardiner Sidney Low Edward Arthur Lewis sc Abraham Weiner Hilary Jenkinson μ α Ernest Frederick Churchill lit Ernest Fraser Jacob Ada Elizabeth Levett Norman Sykes phil Cecil Herbert Driver Henry Alfred Cronne Raymond Klibansky ph Pelham Horton Box β α ph Robert Clifford Latham Lihan Mary Cronne ph Ivan Peter Shaw Christopher Henry Durham Howard Gerald Augustus John Hodgett 195ο6 Michael Eliot Howard 1955 Charles Duggan ph 1957 Gareth Vaughan Bennett ph John Edgar Flint ph 1961 Reginald Allen Brown phil Henry Godfrey Roseveare ph 1962 Peter James Marshall phil Ian Roy phil 1965 Paul Smith piiil 1967 Raymond Wendell Beachey 1969 George Metcalf ph Richard Ralph Mowbray Clogg μ λ 1970 Janet Laughland Nelson ph 1971 Andrew Neil Porter ph 1972 Diana Mary Webb Assistant Lecturers Ernest Frederick Churchill ltt Helena Mary Chew Beatrice Ada Marguerite O'Don- nell Cecil Herbert Driver Frances Mary Page Arthur Charles Frederick Beales Lilian Mary Cronne ph Robert Clifford Latham Ivan Peter Shaw Christopher Henry Durham Howard Lecturer in Imperial and Colonial History 1013 Sidney Low 1917 1920 1926 1927 1929 1932 1934 1935 1937 1938 1947 1950 1952 1953 1954 1956' 1959 1964 Michael Eliot Howard Paul Reginald Wood Joseph Norman Ball ph Charles Duggan Brian Stuart Manning GarethVaughan Bennett ph John Edgar Flint John Francis Bosher ph Henry Godfrey Roseveare Reginald Allen Brown phil Peter James Marshall Ian Roy Paul Smith Lecturer in American and Colonial History 1914 Arthur Percival Newton lit Assistant 1936 Priscilla Boys Smith sc Afterwards Professor of Welsh History University College Aberystwyth Afterwards Professor of Medieval History Manchester University and Chichele Professor of History and Fellow of All Souls' Oxford Afterwards Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History Cambridge and later Dean of Win- Chester Afterwards Professor of Political Science Yale University From 1932 Secretary of the College and from 1963 Hon Lecturer 6Lecturer in Military Studies 1953 Lecturer in War Studies 1933 Reader 1961 Pro- fessor 1963 Afterwards Professor in the University of British Columbia
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