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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-205

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216 Studentships Scholarships Exhibitions Bursaries and Prizes The Award which is of the value of £100 is offered annually The Award will be made to registered undergraduate student of the School of Biological Sciences who has performed with distinction during the course and shown especial promise for career of original research to assist the student to carry out research or study vacation work or study involving travel not in the normal range of undergraduate study and for which funds would not be available through the usual channels Special consideration will be given to studies in Human Biology or Genetics or in some other branch of science studied by Professor Ruggles Gates Students who should preferably have completed four terms of the course should after consulting their teachers submit an application to the Registrar to reach him between 15th February and the last day of the Lent term The application should contain full description of the proposed project and its relevance to the candidate's intended research career and also of the costs likely to be incurred It shall be condition of the Award that the successful applicant shall submit preferably in form suitable for publication written report on the project within six months of its completion The Award will be made on the recommendation of the Executive Com- mittee of the School of Biological Sciences In the event of there being no candidate of sufficient merit to justify the Award in given year the income may be invested by the College and the Delegacy shall have discretion to use surplus income from the funds to meet contingencies in respect of the Awards Medals and Prizes Prizes in Natural Science open to all Full-time Students of the College DREW MEDAL AND PRIZE FOR MATHEMATICS This Prize was founded in 1872 by WiUiam Henry Drew Professor of Mathematics 1869-82 in memory of his eldest son Robert Middlemist Drew Mathematical Scholar Elect of St John's College Oxford who died on Com- memoration Day at King's College 1870 before he had completed the 17th year of his age The Prize consists of medal and books of the joint value of £10 The Prize is open to all full-time students who have attended at least two years at the College The Prize will be awarded annually to the student who in the opinion of the Principal and the Head of the Department of Mathematics shall have most distinguished himself in the subject of Mathematics
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