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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-197

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208 Studentships Scholarships Exhibitions Bursaries and Prizes HANDFORD PRIZES The following prizes will be awarded annually if there are eligible candidates to students in the Department of Classics who have completed the examination for the degree in subject administered by the Board of Studies in Classics prize of £30 to the student whom the Head of the Department shall consider to have done best of the final-year students the minimum qualifica- tion for the award being the attainment of Second Class Honours Upper Division ii prize of £20 subject to the following conditions the minimum qualifications shall in all cases be the attainment of Second Class Honours Lower Division if the prize of £30 is awarded to man preference for the £20 prize shall be given to woman if no woman is eligible it shall be awarded to the man whom the Head of the Department shall consider to have done second best if the prize of £30 is not awarded owing to lack of an eligible candidate the prize of £20 shall be awarded to the student whom the Head of the Department shall consider to have done best iii Smaller prizes may be awarded to students who have obtained First Honours Upper Division and who have not been awarded the first or second prize HANDFORD BOOK GRANTS Surplus income from the Prize Fund may be used to make grants to selected students for the purchase of approved books Recipients must be either undergraduate or postgraduate students in the Department of Classics or former undergraduates of the Department of Classics engaged in postgraduate studies in another Department of King's College In recommending these grants the Head of the Department of Classics will consider especially students in financial need students whose work in Classics has shown merit or who have contributed significantly to the activities of the Department Candidates for prizes or book grants shall be nominated by the Head of the Department of Classics who shall take into consideration their teachers' reports as well as their performance in the final examination He shall also adjudicate between candidates who have taken their final examination in different subjects Classics Latin Greek or Classics and Ancient History suggestion for the award of book grant to postgraduate student not currently studying in the Department of Classics may be made by the candi- date's Head of Department to the Head of the Department of Classics The Delegacy shall have discretion to revise these Regulations at any time IV Available in the Faculty of Laws Entrance Scholarships WORSLEY SCHOLARSHIP for Regulations see page 186
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