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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1974-1975-164

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174 Library Facilities main reading rooms of the Old Library Books from the Box library of Hebrew and Old Testament studies can be obtained on application to the Library staff Music The Music library is housed in the Faculty building New Library 152-153 Strand Laws The Laws library is situated in the upper reading rooms of the Old Library Periodicals Law Reports and certain other books are for reference only Natural Science The books in most science subjects including Geography and Mathe- matics are shelved in room 533 of the New Library while the periodi- cals and certain reference works of research interest in these same subjects are housed in room 401 The Plant Sciences library is accommodated with the department at 68 Half Moon Lane SE24 and the Biophysics library with its department at 26-29 Drury Lane WC2 There is also small library at the Rogate Field Centre con- taining books in those aspects of science which are studied there Medical Science The books in medical subjects are shelved with those of other sciences in room 533 of the New Library and medical periodicals are accom- modated in room 401 Engineering The Engineering library containing books in Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineering is housed in rooms 23A-25A of the main building Special Collections The Library contains number of important special collections which have been acquired by gift bequest or purchase during the years since its foundation in 1829 The most notable gift was of the library of Dr William Marsden sometime Secretary of the Navy which contains many rare items in Postgraduate students in possession of late passes may obtain key from the porters' lodge to enable them to have access to room 401 outside normal opening hours The Plant Sciences library is accessible to readers at all times tvhen the department is open The Biophysics library is open on Mondays to Fridays from 30 until and from until 30 in term and until 30 in vacation postgraduates may be issued with keys to permit their use of the library in the evenings and on Saturdays
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