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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1973-1974-541

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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Index of Names xix Salazar 64 116 251 Salmon Α 247 Salmon 262 Salmon Miss 266 Salter Η 273 Sampson Α 269 Sankey Mrs 266 Sasse 249 Satchell 45 64 130 262 263 Saunders Κ 64 141 276 Saunders 73 Saunders Mrs 70 Saurat 247 Savage 271 Savage 263 Savin 289 Scamans 73 Scanlon Miss 43 65 116 250 Schwartz 265 266 Schwartz 283 Scott 268 269 Scott Miss 68 Scott 248 Scullard Η 74 241 289 Sedgefield 276 Seed Η 280 Seeds 259 Seeley Mrs 70 Seeley 245 Sellers Rev 234 Semple 74 268 290 Serjeant Miss Β 167 Sewell Α 272 Seymour 243 Shadrake 65 167 231 Shafe Miss 68 Sharrock 38 43 65 112 241 Shave 65 69 232 Shaw 276 Shaw 43 52 65 68 115 230 239 244 245 290 389 Shaw Miss Μ 268 Shaw 243 Shawcross 282 Shaxby 279 Sheard Α 242 Shears 247 Shemilt 274 Sheppard MissJ Α 65 167 23 Shepperd 272 Sheppy Miss 70 Sheriff Miss McK 270 Sherman 45 65 133 258 259 260 Sherrard Ο Α 43 47 65 160 237 Shertzer Miss 70 Sherwood Ε 73 Shields Rev 232 Shore Miss Α 277 Shovelton 230 231 269 Showan 252 253 Shuttleworth Rev 237 Sibly 264 Sidaway Miss Μ 277 Sikes 275 277 Silk 43 65 in 240 Silverthorne Miss Α 70 Silvester 43 45 65 132 269 Silvester 261 Simon 273 Simon Rev 40 47 50 51 52 65 159 161 234 235 290 389 Simpson 263 Singlehurst-Ward 262 281 Sinnatt 279 Skeat 290 Sleigh 243 Small 261 Smalley 257 Smart 276 Smart 238 Smeed 249 Smetham 246 264 265 Smiles 261 Smith Miss 273 Smith 259 Smith Α 279 Smith 266 Smith The Hon 35 36 50 290 Smith Α 259 Smith 275 Smith Miss 265 Smith Α 65 274 Smith Rev 238 Smith 240 Smith 43 113 247 248 Smith Rev 236 Smith 262 Smith Η 253 Smith 230 Smith 259 Smith 290 Smith MissJ 69 Smith 43 65 115 244 Smith Rev 239 Smith 240 Smith Rev 235 Smith 46 65 140 272 Smith 65 69 232 Smith 230 Smither Mrs 70 Smithers 242 Snell 271 Sodeau 264 Sollman Miss 70 Sorabji 43 65 115 246 Sorrell 68 Souter Miss 277 Southwark Rt Rev The Lord Bishop of 49 387 Sowermino Miss Ο Α 167 Spalding 230 246 247 Spark 270 Spearing 266 Spencer 45 65 130 260 Spencer 45 46 65 141 278 Spencer 243 Spiers 275 Spiers 247 275 Spink 247 Spinks 290 Spratt Miss 266 Spriggs 278 Spurrier 254 Stables 247 248 Stack 274 Stamp Sir 265 Stanton 43 47 65 160 236 Statham Mrs 65 167 231 Steabben Miss 277 Stebbing Miss 247 Steed 280 Steele 256 Steele Miss 239 Stephen 254 Stephens 273 Stephens Α 276 Steppat 248 Steptoe 65 68 231 Stevens Ε 253 Stevens 278 Stewart Mrs 70 Stibbe 271 Stievenard 247 Stirling 262
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