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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1973-1974-540

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

xviii Index of Names Pritchard 274 Pritchard 276 Prosscr 281 Proud 260 Proudfoot 43 63 112 242 Provini Mrs 63 112 Pugh 248 Pugh 37 39 43 45 47 63 113 35 245 Purscy 259 Purver 231 Purves 273 Pye 267 Quantock 272 Queen The Queen Mother Elizabeth the Quilliam 275 Quilliam Τ Α 271 Quinton 269 Qureshi Μ Α 73 Race 255 Rado 268 Rajak Η 44 63 124 255 Ramirez 250 Ramsey The Most Rev and Rt Hon 239 289 388 Ramsey Rev 239 Randall Sir 74 257 260 289 Ranft McL 63 116 Ratcliff Rev 238 Raven Α 253 Rawlings 271 Rawlins 272 Rebelo de 43 64 116 249 Reckert 38 43 64 116 249 Reddish Α 64 47 Redmayne Miss 241 Reed 241 242 Reed 243 Reed 73 Rees 262 Rees Miss Ε 266 Rees 272 Rees Mrs 43 64 112 242 243 Reeve 272 Reeve 269 Reeves 277 Relton 269 Relton Η 234 Rhees 64 Richards Β 261 Richards 45 64 129 130 260 Richards Miss 73 Richardson 73 Richardson 283 Richardson 259 Richardson 45 64 131 264 Richardson Sir 257 Rickards 254 Rideal Sir Ε 261 289 Rider Miss 268 Ridge 276 Rinsler Mrs 41 43 64 113 247 248 Risley 64 Ritson 273 Roberts Mrs Α 39 43 64 112 242 Roberts Κ 276 Roberts 263 Roberts Μ 243 Roberts 69 Robertson Rev Α 229 Robertson 38 45 64 130 261 262 263 Robertson Miss Α 70 Robertson 282 Robertson Rev 236 Robins 45 46 64 141 276 Robinson Α 271 Robinson 45 64 132 269 Robinson Ε 243 Robinson 48 71 Robinson 279 Robinson Mrs Η 231 Robinson Rev 235 289 389 Robinson 280 Robinson 280 Robinson Miss Μ 167 Robinson 45 64 130 262 263 Robinson 259 Robson 74 275 277 289 Robson 243 Rockstro Miss Ε 274 Rodger 281 Rodgers Miss Α 70 Rodriques Α Α 249 Rogers Miss 70 Rogers Rev 232 237 Rogers 260 Rogers 242 Rollinson Miss 69 Rome Miss Ε 130 Rosa 276 Rose 45 46 64 113 245 Rose Η 37 39 46 47 64 147 280 281 Rose Rev 229 Rose 248 Rosenblat 268 269 Rosenheim 275 Roseveare 43 64 115 244 Rosevere 281 Rosing Κ 43 45 64 113 246 Ross 74 279 280 289 Ross Miss 69 Ross Sir 250 Rosswick 272 Routh Η 242 Rouve Mrs 48 64 155 253 Row 267 268 Rowe 43 64 "6 250 Rowland 73 Rowlands 274 Rowlands Miss 45 46 64 141 276 Rowntree Sir 64 146 Roxburgh 269 270 Roy 40 43 64 115 244 Royle 274 Rubens Miss Ε 167 Rumbold 69 Rupp Rev 289 389 Russell 270 Russell 243 Russell-Wells Miss 266 Ruston 269 Rutherford 274 Ryder 256 Rymer Τ 259 Sack 274 Saffman 268 Sage 43 64 116 250 St Albans The Rt Rev The Lord Bishop of 49 387 St John-Stevas 255 St Paul's The Very Rev The Dean of 49 387
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