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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1973-1974-504

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Annual Report of the Delegacy CXXXl mental Interactions at High Energy ed Dal Cin Iverson Perlmutter Gordon Breach 1971 with Keck 'Renormalisation of Rational Lagrangians Proc Phys Soc 291 1971 with Keck 'On the Equivalence of S-Matrix Elements Proc Phys Soc 441 1971 Spontaneously Firing Neural Networks Theor Biology August 1972 'Neural Connexions at the life-cycle of the Senses Times Literary Supple- ment June 23rd 1972 Various articles in 'The Listener' Tyrrell Reviews in Zentralblatt fur Mathematik DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Barker 'The effect of melting on the multiphon infra-red absorption spectra of KBr NaCl and LiF Phys 2276-82 1972 'The infra-red spectra of molten Ionic salts Barr 'The effect of the Earth's Magnetic field on the propagation of ELF and VLF Radio waves of Atmos and Terr Physics 33 1577-83 197 'Some new features of ELF attenuation of Atmos and Terr Physics 34 411-20 1972 Barr Holman and Perkins 'Absorption mode Spectra-A simple integrator for the "Varian" E4 Spectrometer Chemistry and Industry 43-4 1972 Berenblut and Dawson 'The modification of Cary Model 81 Raman Spectrophotometer for use with laser Phys 360 1972 Berenblut Dawson and Wilkinson 'The Raman spectrum of Gypsum Spectrochim Acta 27A 1849 1971 Betts Guttman and Joyce 'Lattice-lattice scaling and the generalized law of corresponding states Phys Solid St Phys 1994 197 Bodenheimer Berenblut and Wilkinson 'Raman Difference Spectroscopy Chem Phys Lett 14 533 1972 Clarke Ν Ά polarization analyser for medium energy 3He particles Nucl Instr and Metk 97 399 1971 'Triple scattering parameters in optical model analysis Nuclear Physics 178 513 1972 'Energy spread in thin absorbers Nucl Instr and Meth 96 497 1971
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