Calendar: 1973-1974 Page 428
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Annual Report of the Delegacy lv taking part subsequently played back for mutual discussion and appraisal Professor Beales lectured at Philippa Fawcett College and at St Mary's College Strawberry Hill He served as External Examiner for the Universities of Belfast Liverpool and Leicester and for Jordanhill College Glasgow and Aberdeen College of Education Dr King was President of the Comparative Education Society Branch 1971-72 and took part in field researches in connec- tion with his Comparative Research Unit in Sweden Germany France and Italy as well as in England Mrs Ε Cowie lectured to the Conference of History Teachers held in the University College of Swansea Dr Β Dawson was elected President of the London Region of the Association for Science Education 1971-72 and gave the Presi- dential Address on 'Science and Education' He lectured at two conferences on Nuffield Physical Science held at Chelsea College and to the Oxford University Department of Educational Studies and attended specialist conference of tutors at Bath The opening of the new Strand building for general use at the beginning of the session enabled our science graduate students to use laboratory 709 and various ancillary specialist rooms within the Chemistry Depart- ment area These facilities replace those formerly used by our students in the Main College building Mr John Hayes presented papers at the University of Exeter's conference on 'The Arts and the Adolescent' and at University of Manchester symposium on 'Moral Education' He also lectured on the sociology of art at the University of Birmingham and at Lanchester Polytechnic and on the sociology of education at the Department of Education Cambridge MrJ Muir lectured at the Universities of Cologne and Munster and to teachers' courses for the University of Cambridge the London Institute of Education and the He also taught at the Greek Summer School held at Cheltenham Mr Michael Poole lectured on 'A' Level Nuffield Physics at Chelsea College of Science and Technology and at the North London Science Centre He gave 32 talks mainly in schools on the relationship between Science and Christianity He became member of the Royal Institution of Great Britain and served as representative on the British Association's Colleges of Education Project Professor Perry Professor of Education in the University of
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