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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1973-1974-169

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Library Facilities 177 most forms of document reproduction the department has self-service electrostatic copying machines some of which are coin-operated The hours of opening of the University Library in term and during the Christmas and Easter vacations are from 30 until on Mondays to Fridays and until 30 on Saturdays and during the long vacation from 30 until 30 on Mondays to Saturdays The Library is open for reference only on the Spring Bank Holiday and the previous Saturday No book can be fetched from the bookstacks after 30 when the Library closes at and after when the Library closes at 30 The photographic department closes at 30 but the self-service xerocopying facilities are available only from 10 until 45 the coin-operated machines are available at all hours when the Library is open Most of the books in the University Library may be borrowed the period of loan varying from fortnight to four months Students may normally have six volumes on loan at one time WESTMINSTER CITY LIBRARIES As King's College lies within the City of Westminster students enjoy the privilege of using the lending services of the Westminster City Libraries To take advantage of this facility the student must complete an application form obtainable from any public library in West- minister and get it countersigned by recognised officer of the College The nearest public library to King's is the district library at Charing Cross Road WC2 There are special libraries dealing with medicine at the public library at Marylebone Road NW1 music at the central music library in Buckingham Palace Road SW1 and fine arts reference at St Martin's Street WC2 Special collections are available of modern foreign languages at South Audley Street Wi education and military history at Sutherland Avenue Maida Vale Wio and English literature and fine arts at Buckingham Palace Road SW1 Collections of gramo- phone records including language records are available for home playing from the libraries at Charing Cross Road WC2 Marylebone Road NW1 and Porchester Road W2 Reference libraries which may be used by any member of the public without formality are situated at St Martin's Street WC2 Marylebone Road NW1 and Porchester Road W2
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