Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 538
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Page content
Index of Names xix NashJ Κ 37 39 41 46 144 277 278 287 Nash 246 Nash 240 Ncale 252 Needham 281 Neggers 267 Negus 274 287 Nelkon 258 Nelson Mrs 43 62 113 241 Newrick 274 Newsom Hev 228 233 234 Newson Miss Α 43 45 62 in 243 Newton 241 242 Nicholas 245 Nicholas 45 62 129 260 261 Nicholls 265 Nicholson 266 Nicol 38 40 43 62 109 247 Nicol 257 Nicol 74 269 287 Nicolay 228 243 Nicoll Α 239 Nineham Rev 51 231 287 Nixon 237 Noble Sir 49 50 227 287 393 Nokes 252 Noone Mrs Α 74 Norman Miss Α Μ Β 230 Norman 246 Norris 72 Norris Miss 266 Nortcliff 43 62 243 Northall-Laurie 261 262 Northcote 274 Nott Ven 287 394 Nunn 45 46 62 139 276 Nuttall Rev 236 Ο Oakeley Miss 244 Oatley 256 257 O'Brien 62 128 258 O'Brien Miss 70 O'Brien 255 Odgers Sir 252 O'Donnell Miss Β 242 Occonomos 247 Ocsterley Rev Ο 231 OfFer 45 62 127 258 Oldham 45 62 130 262 Olson 72 Orchard Q- III Oriano Μ 245 Ormerod 272 Ormond Mrs 43 62 109 240 Orsanic Miss 73 Osmond Ν Η 245 Otter Rev 227 Outteridge 45 62 131 256 257 258 Owen 256 Owen Rev 38 43 47 62 157 235 236 Oxenbury 39 47 62 149 282 Ρ Packham 73 Page Α 252 Page Miss 242 Paget Sir 254 Palmer 263 Palmer 237 Paris Α 272 Parish Miss 251 Park 252 Parker Α Α 248 Parker 253 Parkinson 251 Parrinder Rev 38 43 47 63 157 235 287 394 Parrondo Miss 249 Parsons Mrs 68 Partridge 272 Partridge 269 271 Paskins Β Α 43 63 114 249 Pastor Α 248 Paterson 45 46 63 139 274 276 Pattison 279 Paul Α 239 Paul Miss 230 Payne 229 Payne Miss 264 266 Payne 228 Payne Α 269 Peacock Τ 260 261 Pearsall Α 240 Pearson 239 240 Pearson Α 274 Pease MissJ 264 Pelc 258 Pelluct 244 Penston Miss 263 264 Perkins 260 261 Perowne Rev 238 239 Perrin 271 Perry MissJ 248 Perry 38 43 48 63 153 250 Perry 274 Perry 268 Perryman 63 69 231 Petrie 72 Pettigrew Α 63 68 229 Pettit 253 Pettyfer 72 Phillips 274 Phillips 268 Phillips 262 Phillips Mrs 36 68 Phillips Mrs Μ 244 245 Phillips Ο 252 253 254 Phillips 272 Pick 246 Pickering 274 Pickersgill Miss 274 Pierce 72 Pike Ε 72 Pincherle 256 257 258 Pinder Rev 52 Piquet Miss 245 Pirani 36 38 40 45 46 63 130 266 267 Pitcher 262 Pitches 72 Pittion 245 Pla 248 Plahi Miss 166 Plarr 228 Platt 46 63 145 280 Plowman 278 Plumer The Hon Ε 239 Plummer 274 Plumptre Rev Ε 230 232 234 Pointud Miss 254 Poirier 270 Pole 43 63 113 244 Polglazc 72 Pollak Miss 63 165 229 Pollard 268 Pollard Τ 70 Pollock 253
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