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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1972-1973-536

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

Index of Names xvii Klibansky 241 Kncebonc 268 Knibb Μ Α 42 47 60 157 232 Knight Miss 237 Knight Miss 246 Knight 60 230 Knight The Very Rev 287 394 Knight 268 Knight Rev 233 Knipe 270 Knowles Sir 38 45 46 60 133 138 269 Knowling Rev 228 230 232 233 Knox 273 Kogut Mrs 45 46 60 133 39 276 Kreutz 247 Kronfli 267 Kyriakides 247 LafFan Miss 165 Lafourcade 244 Laird 42 45 61 130 267 Laistncr 238 Lake 271 Lamb 228 Lampe Rev 236 Landers 42 48 61 109 no 244 245 Lane 247 Langston Mrs Α 68 Last Rev 233 236 Latham 241 242 Latham Τ 253 Latter 271 Latter Miss 264 Laughton Sir 240 Lawrence 42 45 61 in 241 Laws 256 Leach 274 276 Leage 61 68 229 Leathes Rev 231 Lc Cun Miss 245 Lee 280 Lee 271 Lee Miss 239 Leech Rev 61 160 230 Leers Miss 245 Lees 268 Lcgg Rev 230 232 233 Lcggctt Μ Α 266 Leitao Α Α 247 Lelaidicr 245 le Maitre 262 Le Quesne 254 Leris 248 Lester 231 287 Lester 271 Leuliette 245 Levett Miss 230 241 Levi Α 261 Levi 254 Lewis 274 Lewis 274 Lewis Ε Α 241 Lewis 37 42 47 61 157 234 286 394 Lewis Rev 230 Lidgett Rev 236 Lieb 128 Lightowlers 45 61 131 256 257 258 Lilleberg Miss 70 Lilley 268 Lindsay Α 46 61 145 280 Linton 243 263 Lintott 238 Lionnett Miss Α 254 Little 257 Littleton 45 46 61 139 276 Livingstone 287 Lloyd 39 44 61 122 253 254 Lobban PL 277 278 Locke 273 Lockspeiscr 282 Lofmark 246 London Mrs 246 London The Rt Rev The Lord Bishop of 236 393 Longman Α 238 Longford Earl of 236 Longhurst 68 Longuet-Higgins 255 Lonsdale Rev 227 Lonsdale 237 Loring Ε Α 72 Lorscheid Miss 247 Lott 248 Lottes 247 Loughbridgc 246 Loukes PL 280 Low 237 Low 241 242 Lowy 258 Lue 43 45 61 130 267 268 Lund 270 Lyell 262 Lyle 265 273 274 Lyn 278 279 Lynch 43 61 253 Lyons Miss Κ 45 61 132 265 Lysaght 253 Μ Macadam Sir 35 36 50 287 McCarthy 273 McCaul Rev 231 232 233 McClare 45 61 127 258 Maclay 271 McLellan 271 McClelland 260 261 McCombie 68 McCormack 61 68 229 MacDonald-Ross Μ 265 McDougall 271 McDowall 74 272 287 M'Ewen Miss Μ 256 McGinn 274 McGlynn 243 McHardy Rev 232 Mcllraith 252 Mclnncs O'H 246 Mack Miss 239 240 Mackarness Rev CO 233 234 MacKay 256 257 Mckay 246 McKay 261 Mackay 252 McKechnie Miss Μ McL 245 McKelvie 270 Mackenzie 272 KcKeown 272 McKcrrow 239 Macedo Η 43 61 114 247 Mackie 268 Mackinnon 264 265 271 Mackinnon 269 Macleanan 35 McLauclilan 270 McLellan 271 MacLeod 271
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