Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 525
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Page content
vi General Index Library Westminster 175 Lillian Penson Hall 99 Lockers 100 Lost Property 101 Μ Degree 119 Degree 140 Mus 152 Phil 119 125 136 143 147 152 155 161 Sc Degree 136 Sc Eng Degree 147 Th Degree 161 Mathematics Department of 130 266 Maurice Lecturers 236 Mechanical Engineering Department of 145 278 Medals Award in 1971 370 Carter for Botany 209 Carter for English Verse 196 Drew 198 209 General Rules 179 Jelf 182 King's College London Engineers' Association 219 Tennant 209 Thomson John Millar 210 Medical Science Faculty of Admission of Students 140 Board of Faculty Members of 46 Bursaries 211 Conditions of Entry 141 Examination Successes 356 369 372 Faculty Officers 138 Postgraduate Courses 143 Prizes 177 212 Scholarship 211 Staff Academic 138 269 Undergraduate Courses 140 Medieval and Modern History Depart- ment of 112 240 Military Archives Centre for 169 Music Faculty of Admission of Students 149 Board of Faculty Members of 47 Bursaries 222 Conditions of Entry 151 Examination Successes 362 369 375 Faculty Officers 149 Higher Degrees and Diplomas 151 Medals 222 Postgraduate Courses 152 Prizes 222 Scholarships 222 Staff Academic 149 282 Studentships 222 Undergraduate Courses 149 Ν Natural Science Faculty of Admission of Students 135 Board of Faculty Members of 44 Bursaries 204 Conditions of Entry 135 Examination Successes 352 371 Exhibitions 204 Faculty Officers 127 Higher Degrees and Diplomas 136 Medals 209 Postgraduate Courses 136 Prizes 209 Scholarships 204 Staff Academic 127 255 Studentships 207 Undergraduate Courses 134 New Testament Studies see under Faculty of Theology Nutford House 98 Ο Office College 12 Officers of the College Old Students' Reception Committee 41 Old Testament Studies see under Faculty of Theology Ρ Ph Degree 119 125 136 143 147 152 155 16ϊ Palaeography Department of 113 242 Pharmacology Department of 139 276 Philosophy Department of 113 243 Physics Department of 131 255 Physiology Department of 139 272 Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Depart- ment of 114 247 Postgraduate Certificate in Education 153 Powder Technology 148 Prayer and Grace College 11 Prizes Adamson John William 224 Awarded in 1970 370 Barclay-Smith 214 Barry 186 Bicknell 188 Blackwell for Teaching 224 Bloy for Research in Powder Science 218 Brewer for English Lit and History 198 Burrows Ronald Memorial 199 Caldecott Philosophy 187 Carter for Botany 209
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