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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1972-1973-507

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy cxxv with Turner Sheila 'Serological changes during the acquisition of immunity to Plasmodium vinckei in mice Ann trop Med Parasit 64 53-61 19 1970 with Turner Sheila 'Antibody levels in mice infected with Babesia microti Ann Trop Med Parasit 64 167-73 1970 with Turner Sheila 'Antibody levels in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei yoelii Ann trop Med Parasit 64 175-80 1970 Hawkins Shirley Contribution on 'Cnidaria' to Elsevier's Animal Life with Hainton 'Resistance to Cycloheximide in amoebae Exp Cell Res 63 258-9 1971 Lyons Kathleen Translation into English Animal Parasites by Baer Weidenfeld and Nicholson 256pp 'Sense organs of monogenean skin parasites ending in typical cilium Parasitology 39 611-23 1969 'Compound sensilla in monogenean skin parasites Parasitology 39 625- 36 1969 'The fine structure of the body wall of Gyrocotyle urna Parasitenk 33 95-109 1969 'The fine structure and function of the adult epidermis of two skin parasitic monogeneans Entobdella soleae and Acanthocotyle elegans' Parasitology 60 39-52 1970 'Fine structure of the outer epidermis of the viviparous monogenean Gyrodactylus sp from the skin of Gasterosteus aculeatus Parasitology 36 1110-17 1970 'Comparative electron microscope studies on the epidermis of the blood- living juvenile and gill living adult stages of Amphibdella flavolineata Monogenea from the electric ray Torpedo nobiliana Parasitology 62 181-90 1971 Okon Ε 'The ultrasonic responses of albino mouse pups to tactile stimuli Zool 162 485-92 1970 'Temperature relations of vocalization in infant golden hamsters and Wistar rats Zool 164 227-37 197 PyeJ 'Bats and fog Nature 229 572-4 1971 'Bats Afrikaans translation by Haum Cape Town and re-publication in English by McGraw Hill New York with Howse and Lewis 'Adequate stimulus of the insect tym- panic organ Experientia 27 598-600 1971 with Lewis and Howse 'Sound reception in the bush cricket Metrioptera brachyptera Orthoptera Tettigonoidea exp Biol 34 241-51 1971 Stoddart 'Breeding and survival in population of water voles Anim Ecol 40 487-94 1971
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