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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1972-1973-457

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Annual Report of the Delegacy lxxv at the Devonian session Professor Prentice was invited to present papers at the conference 'Geologie de la Manche' in Paris and at the Royal Society Symposium on 'Subsidence in south-eastern England' He also attended the seventh international sedimentological congress at Heidel- berg Dr Hubbard presented papers to this conference and also to the Geologists' Association the British Universities Film Council Congress the Palaeontological Association the British Sedimentological Research Group and the Geotopics Section of the Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences University of Miami Mr Potter attended the sixth Caribbean geological conference in Venezuela and gave paper entitled Observations on the geology of North Western Trinidad in relation to the geology of Paria Venezuela' Research into teaching methods by audio-visual aids was conducted by Dr Richardson and Dr Oldham and Dr Hubbard demon- strated the use of cine-film to research and teaching in modern carbonate sedimentology All members of the department continued to be active in the research field Dr Hancock's studies were assisted by grants from the Arthur Haydock Bequests of the British Association and Dr Richardson's by grants for photomicroscope and research assistant from Dr Jones assisted in the sitings of seven boreholes on the Geological Survey 1" to mile sheet 232 in collaboration with the Institute of Geological Sciences as part of joint project to determine the age and stratigraphical relationships of the strata immediately overlying the carboniferous limestone The department has long tradition of assistance to industry during the year Professor Prentice advised on bulk material for the brick concrete aggregate and roadstone industries Mr Potter on petroleum exploration and Professor Howie on industrial mineralogy The technical staff of the department were again very active On suggestion from Mr Rowland the National Economic Develop- ment Council placed contracts for the development of multi-para- meter meter for marine studies This is now being manufactured com- mercially Mr Rowland twice visited Sierra Leone went to Ghana on behalf of the Inter-University Council and conducted courses in Sierra Leone This is Mr Rowland's tenth such mission Miss Helen Cooper departmental photographer submitted entries to the Institute of Science Technology International Photographic Competition 1971 and was highly commended in three sections The Lyell Club had an active year with series of successful lectures
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