Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 456
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lxxiv Annual Report of the Delegacy DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Number of Students Sc Major Subject Sc degree Geology Geography 41 Geology Physics Geology Maths Geology as minor subject 14 registered at KCL 39 18 12 Subsidiary Geology to Hons Geography Sc Engineering Sc Engineering Postgraduate inc part-time Departmental Notes The demand for trained geologists and for places in the department continues to grow and modest expansion is being attempted within the severe constraints of space and staff The department continues in spite of higher standards of accommodation available elsewhere to attract good students The department continues to stress the importance of field-work It made use of the College field centre at Rogate and held classes in Connemara east Yorkshire Anglesey and the Forest of Dean One-day and week-end field classes were also organised by the department and by the Lyell Club Several undergraduates obtained vacation employ- ment overseas in Canada Zambia and Finland Staff members have given much of their time to official committees member of the Council of the Geological Society Professor Prentice was also elected Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Field Studies Council Professor Howie continued as co-opted member of the Library Committee of the Geological Society on his retirement from the Council Dr Hancock continued Council Member of the Palaeontological Association so did Dr Julia Hubbard who is also member of the Publications Committeeof the Geologists' Association DrJ Richardson was elected to the Steering Committee of the Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique Dr Richardson was elected by the Royal Society as Senior Scientist on an exchange visit to the during which he attended the international palynological congress at Novosibirsk and took the chair
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