Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 454
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lxxii Annual Report of the Delegacy DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Number of Students Sc Main Subject 76 Sc Ancillary Subject 88 Education 34 Postgraduate 29 Postdoctoral 11 Departmental Notes To the regret of his colleagues throughout the College Professor Hey reached retirement after twenty-six years as Professor of Chemis- try twenty-one of them as Daniell Professor and head of the depart- ment see also xx The occasion was recognised by an international symposium held on April 19th and 20th on Free Radicals and Related Labile Organic Intermediates Fifteen papers were read by Professor Hey's former students and colleagues to an audience of over 200 On the evening of April 19th banquet was held in the Savoy Hotel in his honour During the session Professor Hey delivered the Pedler Lecture of the Chemical Society entitled' Spirodiene Rearrangements' at the Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre London and at the Universities of Edinburgh Liverpool Hull and Keele He also lectured at symposium on reactive intermediates in organic chemistry held at Kingston Poly- technic and gave the Distinguished Visitor's Address at Birkbeck College Professor Gold gave lectures at the Universities of Oxford Sussex and Gothenburg and at the Nobel Workshop on Aromaticity held at Vaversunda Sweden He has been appointed United Kingdom repre- sentative on the international committee of the first conference on physical organic chemistry and member of the Board of Management of the University of London Computer Centre Professor Mason gave lectures at the Universities of Bologna and Zurich Professor Robertson was elected Chairman of the Board of Studies in Chemistry and Chemical Industries for 1971 He was elected titular member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Commission He was also appointed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry to serve on Committee on mass spectroscopy He presented paper at conference on chemisorption
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