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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1972-1973-453

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Annual Report of the Delegacy lxxi Dr Bradbeer was appointed to the Future of Botany Com- mittee of the British Association and became member of the European Cell Biology Organisation He gave invited lectures at the Universities of Freiburg Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Sussex and at the University College of Wales He presented research papers at the meetings of the Society of Experimental Biology held in Southampton and London Dr Hall was appointed to the Royal Society British National Committee on Biophysics He received fellowships from the Swedish National Research Council and from the University of Stockholm to enable him to work with Professor Baltscheffsky During the year he presented papers at the Nobel Workshop on Chemical origin and early evolution of life' in Stockholm at the first European Biophysics congress in Baden Austria at an international symposium on Origin of life and evolutionary Biochemistry' in Varna Bulgaria and at meeting of the Biochemical Society in Edinburgh Dr Evans was an invited speaker at the European Biophysics congress in Austria and served as session chairman Dr Cammack was invited to attend the course on Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of proteins' held by EMBO in Cambridge and later received Royal Society Grant to visit the Central Research department of du Pont de Nemours Co in Delaware to carry out measurements with Dr Phillips of spectra of non-haem iron proteins Dr Jessie Keys gave course of lectures at Royal Hollo way College on 'Statistics and experimental design' Dr Moore lectured to the Botanical Society of the British Isles in October 1970 and presented paper at the York meeting of the British Ecological Society He gave course of intercollegiate lectures for London University entitled 'Ecology and prehistory' With several members of the department he conducted surveys of mires in Wales and Scotland for the Nature Conservancy The second international congress on photosynthesis research was held in Stresa Italy in June 1971 This important meeting was attended by several members of staff post-doctoral fellows and post-graduate students Papers were presented by Drs Bradbeer Hall Evans and Telfer Mr Rice Chief Technician gave course of lectures in 'Apprecia- tion of Antiques' as part of the programme of evening classes arranged by ILEA He was appointed Grade III Lecturer
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