Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 452
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lxx Annual Report of the Delegacy and electron microscopes in biology with demonstrations Lectures by other members of staff were to follow Dr Fuller Professor Wilkins and Dr Brown organised meeting at Friends' House during November sponsored by the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science on the Impact of Modern Biology The twenty invited speakers included many distinguished scientists from the United States and Europe reception for participants was given in the department Dr Fuller edited the proceedings of the meeting for Routledge and Kegan Paul The following visiting scientists have worked in the department Dr Blaurock University of California Dr Matsubara University of Tokyo Dr Middendorf University of Braunschweig Dr Moos University of New York Dr and Dr Olins Oakridge National Laboratories Tennessee Dr Staynov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Dr Lednev Academy of Sciences of the DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Number of Students Sc Botany Sc Botany Zoology 'Ancillary' Botany Research 32 101 Departmental Notes Professor Whatley's election as Sherardian Professor of Botany at Oxford from October 1971 was serious loss to the College On leaving the Botany department Professor Whatley recorded his sincere appreciation of the support he had received from all his colleagues during his stay at King's College and his hopes that the College's generous support for plant studies would be continued Dr Greenaway who has held an 1851 Research Fellowship since October 1970 will spend the second year of his fellowship at Oxford Professor Whatley presented an invited paper at the Royal Society discussion meeting on 'Photosynthesis under completely artificial conditions' He was also an invited speaker at the Gordon Research Conference on 'Energy coupling mechanisms' in New Hampshire He reported aspects of the work on chloroplast development being carried out in the department Professor Whatley was Examiner in Biology at the University of Stirling
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