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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1972-1973-451

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Annual Report of the Delegacy lxix before but there are now two Units the Neurobiology Unit under the Honorary Directorship of Professor Wilkins and the Muscle Biophysics Unit directed by Professor Jean Hanson The separation into two Units will not disturb the close integration of research within the Biophysics Laboratories nor the contribution made by Council staff to many aspects of College activities including the education of undergraduate and postgraduate students The title of Professor Wilkins's Unit reflects new development research on nervous systems nerve cells and nerve membranes Professor Î’ Boycott the importance of whose work in neurobio- logy was recognised by his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society this year joined Professor Wilkins's Unit in January During the year Professor Wilkins lectured at the Conference Inter- nationale de la Physique Theorique la Biologie at the Institut de la Vie Versailles at New York and Buffalo and at various British universities Professor Hanson read paper at the international biochemistry congress in Interlaken in August 1970 and gave series of lectures and seminars in the University of Goteborg Sweden in May 1971 Professor Boycott worked at the Wilmer Institute Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore during March and lectured at Harvard Medical School Dr Fuller lectured in an EMBO course on nucleic acid structure and function in Leiden in October 1970 and at Biochemical Society course on nucleic acids at Leeds during September 1971 He also lectured on molecular structure and biological function at the Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham and took part in an EMBO workshop on transfer RNA at Gottingen Dr Spencer and Dr Fuller organised course on X-ray diffraction of helical molecules in Barcelona Dr Elliott lectured at Birkbeck College and at the Biophysics Institute University of Aarhus Denmark Dr McClare gave an invited paper at the European biophysics congress in Vienna and lectured at the Universities of Sussex Oxford and York It was decided to revive the giving of lectures on the work of the department for those members of staff not directly connected with work of scientific nature Professor Wilkins gave lecture on general aspects of molecular biology and Dr Davies talked on the use of light
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