Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 449
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Annual Report of the Delegacy lxvii Faculty Notes Dr Trowell lectured to the University of London Summer School 1971 on 'Handel and the Augustans' He contributed talk on 'Music in 15th-century Dijon' to the BBC series 'Centres of Early Music' and gave two other radio talks on Mozartean opera Dr Milner conducted his Mass at Peterborough and his cantata Salutatio Angelica at the Meristem Festival He lectured to the University of London Summer School on 'Purcell' Dr Bent lectured on 'Twentieth-century music' at the 1971 summer school run by the American Institute for Foreign Study He gave BBC radio talk in the series 'Centres of Early Music' entitled 'Paris 1200' and two BBC talks in the series 'Musical Interpretation' both on 'Problems of notation' Mr Dobbins gave lecture-recital entitled '16th-century Chanson -French or Italian to the Renaissance Society at the Warburg Institute He lectured on 'Dryden and music' to the University of London Summer School and gave series of lectures at Goldsmiths' College on 'Schubert symphonies' Miss Lucy Duran was appointed to the Faculty's Tutorial Student- ship for the session 1971-72 She played the sitar in master-class with Imrat Khan which was broadcast on BBC Television Mr Sarnaker Mus Tutorial Student 1970-1 directed course on Beethoven's late String Quartets at the Summer School of the University of London Extra-Mural Department The session 1970-71 saw many changes Dr Trowell became Reader in Music in December 1970 The arrival of second appointed teacher in the faculty was great relief to the King Edward Professor for it meant that there was at last someone to share with him the load of administrative and committee work which only Appointed Teachers may assume and an additional staff member who would be able to teach with authority especially in matters relating to opera the theatre musical notation and also more general aspects of history This situation however did not endure for long After second short illness in Febru- ary 1971 Professor Thurston Dart King Edward Professor of Music Dean of the Faculty of Music and Head of the Department of Music at King's College died on March 6th at the early age of 49 see also xxv Professor Dart had been King Edward Professor Dean and Head of the Department since he first came to King's College in October 1964 to establish the new Faculty of Music the faculty owes much to him and
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