Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 448
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lxvi Annual Report of the Delegacy determination of radioactivity in solutions has been made easier because the machine once appropriately charged delivers the results in type- script without further supervision The saving in time is enormous and Dr Venetia France found it possible greatly to increase the volume of her experimental work The work being done by Dr Taylor and Dr Band will also be much aided by our greatly improved facilities for computing Devices which convert instantly points on tracings into numbers are of incalculable benefit as it is now not necessary to measure each of hundreds of points with rule and compasses Just as his programme of research work had reached the stage of very rapid development the department lost the services of Dr Taylor on his appointment to the Sherrington Chair of Physiology at St Thomas's It may well be however that to have friend in one section of the proposed King's-Thomas's-Westminster Biomedical Centre will strengthen and enlarge the scope of the department at King's On the academic side staffing presented no great difficulty All but one of the academic staff who have left the department during the last few years have gone to posts which represented promotion For various reasons outside departmental control the proportion of the medically qualified staff has been slowly decreasing but the loss of their skills has been balanced by the appointment of accomplished teachers and re- search workers in pure science The department was again extremely well served by its technical staff The turnover among junior technicians continued to be fairly high which is unfortunate in some respects but represents natural desire to find occupations which will best use the talents available All junior technicians are encouraged to obtain formal qualifications by evening and day release study Fashions in dress and appearance have changed but the quality of the students in no way deteriorated and their relationship with the staff remains generally cordial In summary the department though small continues to contribute to the stability of the Faculty and College and to the advancement of the study of Physiology FACULTY OF MUSIC Number of Students Mus Postgraduate 9×– 10
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