Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 444
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lxii Annual Report of the Delegacy Mr Wellwood continued to act as Deputy County Court Judge Mr Hughes was re-appointed Chairman of the Board of Examiners for the LL Degree External Mrs Jane Fortin participated in the Law Society's symposium on new Family Law legislation in January and in the confer- ence in Edinburgh in August FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Number of Students 2nd 255 2nd 58 Departmental Notes Professor Sir Francis Knowles attended number of meetings and presented report to conference at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences Dr Vollrath who joined the staff during the session from the University of Wurzburg was an invited speaker on the subject of the enterocyte at the meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft in Zagreb He also presented paper at the symposium on the Median Eminence held in Munich Dr Vollrath is collaborating with Sir Francis in their investigation of the pituitary gland and neurosecretion The Zeiss photo micro-densitometer which was acquired on grant from the has greatly assisted Dr Whur in his field of autoradiography Dr Cordingley was re-appointed Examiner in Anatomy and Physiology for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and for the Teachers Diploma examination of the Council of Occupational Therapists He read papers relevant to his research on the reticuloen- dothelial system and the lung to the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland and to the Institute of Medical Laboratory Tech- nicians Dr Hobdell read paper at meeting of the Dental Association in Glasgow
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