Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 440
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Iviii Annual Report of the Delegacy of the Institute of Biology Food Science and Technology and the Institute of Refrigeration Mr Gosney was an organising com- mittee member the international Cryogenics Exhibition at Brighton Mr Gosney was co-chairman of the session devoted to rapid freezing of foodstuffs and the conference on Corrosion in Marine Environ- ments Dr Smith Meetings of the Universities' Internal Com- bustion Engine Computing Group and of the Industrial Consultative Committee associated with the postgraduate course in Internal Combustion Engineering were held in the department Dr Vinnicombe attended meeting in Denmark at Danfoss in connection with his work on hydraulic engineering and Professor Rose visited Brussels for meeting of the working party on Comminu- tion of the Federation for Chemical Engineering Professor Rose gave series of four public lectures in College entitled 'An introduction to comminution technology' Mr Gosney gave four lectures on 'Refriger- ation systems' at the International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training of the International Labour Office Turin Progress in research continued In internal combustion engineering the high-output engine purchased out of funds supplied by SRC was installed The engine will be used for studies of cylinder gas flow patterns and their influence on combustion and heat transfer These studies should be of value in investigating exhaust emission problems The cylinder swirl research in which the Perkins Research Associate Dr Girgis was engaged yielded information on injection and combustion problems The work on cylinder air flow was supported by grant from member companies of the Fuel Injection and Combustion Panel of BICERI with which Institute the department has co-operative agree- ment The work on the natural aspiration of high-speed four-stroke engine was completed and the results are being assessed Powder technology research into the movement and mixing of powdered materials progressed and relationships analogous to those governing the behaviour of fluid flows were discovered In the work on dust explosions theoretical statistical treatment was evolved and is in course of experimental verification Comminution investigations were divided into three parts to consider physical and chemical changes during comminution the statistical aspects of comminution and the size characteristics of comminuted materials Valuable results are expected in these three fields Work on the flow of blood corpuscles in capillaries gave interesting results The two distinct velocities for corpuscular motion appear to
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