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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1972-1973-439

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Annual Report of the Delegacy lvii The retirement of the Chief Technician of the department Mr Sullivan took place at the end of the session Mr Sullivan had served the Engineering Faculty for more than 50 years having worked in the departments of Civil and Mechanical Engineering for 24 years prior to joining the Electrical Engineering department in 1945 His unfailing helpfulness has earned him the friendship and respect of all members of the Faculty with whom he has come in contact and his contribution to the general well-being of the department will long be appreciated Department of Mechanical Engineering Dr Girgis holder of the Perkins Associateship in the department was appointed to Lectureship in Mechanical Engineering at the Lanchester Polytechnic During the session the department's visitors included Professor Corbett of the Royal Military College Duntroon Canberra Professor Trbojewitch of the University of Belgrade and Professor Mansergh Shaw of the University of Queensland Professor Corbett and Professor Trbojewitch were renewing their acquaintance with the department in which both of them spent several months few years ago Efforts to extend the department's activities in certain important fields outside engineering science continued Extension of the under- graduate course 'The Engineer in Industry and Society' was planned with the help of the Faculty of Laws and of Mechanical Engineer- ing students satisfying the examiners in this course will be exempted from 'The Engineer in Society' examination of the Council of Engin- eering Institutions Qualification in this subject is now compulsory for every engineer desiring to achieve professional status In the professional engineering sphere close attention was given to an evaluation of the education of the engineer Professor Kastner was member of several committees and panels of the Council of Engineer- ing Institutions including one formed by Sir Eric Mensforth Chairman of the Board to enquire into academic standards and training requirements The findings of these bodies are expected to have an important influence on technological education In the field of econo- mics related to engineering Professor Stuart Mitchell Visiting Professor again gave stimulating course of lectures Other special lectures were given by staff members of the Factory Inspectorate who introduced students to the important subject of Safety in Industry Members of academic staff were concerned with number of conferences and symposia including the symposium on the Measure- ment and Control of Flow at Pittsburg at which paper by Dr Williams Dr Tindal and Mr El-Khafaji was read the joint conference
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