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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1972-1973-437

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Annual Report of the Delegacy lv Members of the Civil Engineering department were once again much in demand for academic and professional service outside the College and the University Professor Ross lectured to the Institution of Engineers Singapore Professor Nash continued to serve as Secretary- General of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering He lectured at the University of Illinois Urbana and also gave the opening lecture of the 4th Asian regional conference of the International Society for Soil Mechanics at Bangkok Thailand in July 1971 He was awarded Canadian Commonwealth University Fellow- ship to visit all the Universities in Canada where Civil Engineering is taught Dr Alston by invitation addressed seminars at the Building Re- search Station of the Department of the Environment and at the Cement and Concrete Association and Dr Charlton lectured at the Univer- sity of Southampton Dr England presented paper at an inter- national symposium on Concrete for Nuclear Reactors organised by the American Concrete Institute and held in Berlin in October 1970 Mr Dougill served as member of several working parties and committees both in this country and in America concerned particularly with the fire resistance of concrete structures highly successful symposium was held in May 1971 in the Civil Engineering department on the fracture of quasi-brittle materials About 35 participants attended and they included many distinguished names from universities and research institutes both in this country and overseas The organisation of the symposium was undertaken by Mr Dougill who also introduced one of the topics for discussion Research activity continued at high level members of staff and research students are working on the project supported by the SRC on the effects of time and temperature on concrete New equipment designed in the department was brought successfully into use Research began into the deformation and damage of weakly bonded materials including advanced methods of analysing complex structures which undergo creep Useful co-operation with Birkbeck College fostered interest in the department in the structure and mechanics of concrete In the area of soil mechanics interest continued in the use of slurries in civil engineering practice Important results were obtained from field permeability tests on clay soils Further analytical studies were undertaken on the problems of non-homogeneous elasticity and plasticity These topics are thrown up by the real problems which arise in foundation engineering Research on systems analysis of water
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