Calendar: 1972-1973 Page 428
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xlvi Annual Report of the Delegacy Departmental Notes Professor Elliott attended the second conference of European historians of Latin America held in Seville in September 1970 and read paper on 'America and the problem of the decline of Spain' He also lectured at number of universities schools and sixth-form confer- ences Dr Duggan gave the opening lecture at the Becket Festival at Portsmouth and addressed the North London Branch of the Historical Association While on leave of absence he paid an extended visit to the School of Law in the University of California at Berkeley for research work in the Institute of Medieval Canon Law and also gave lecture in the School of History Dr Duggan continued to have responsibility while on leave of absence for 'policy matters and student admissions' as Warden of King's College Hall in preparation for the opening of the extended Hall with complement of 450 students in October 1971 Dr Brown read papers to the Universities of Bristol and Leicester and gave lectures at Birkbeck College and at St Paul's School He made contribution to The Observer Colour Magazine on the Norman inheritance and acted as adviser to The Sunday Times in the preparation of its wall-chart of the Norman Conquest Dr Smith talked to the Northern Historical Association teachers' conference in Belfast on 'Lord Salisbury and Conservatism' and to school audiences on 'Disraeli' and 'Fascism' department of palaeography Two postgraduate students were registered one as part-time research student working for the Ph of the University of Pennsylvania Mr Verey Durham who was registered full-time for London Ph in History was awarded Leverhulme European Studentship for 1971-72 He will be working in Rome largely at the Abbazia San Girolamo on the text of the Vulgate Gospels in Northumbria seventh to eighth centuries During the session Miss Rima Handley Oxford Lecturer in English at Queen Mary College gave part-time assistance with teaching and was mainly responsible for the three classes given for students of English one for research students one for candidates and one for candidates Professor Brown took the remaining classes one each for research students in French and History one for an
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