Calendar: 1971-1972 Page 530
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Page content
XX Index of Names Prichard 247 Priestley Sir 281 Prince 45 46 61 35 270 Pritchard 266 Pritchard 268 Prosser 36 46 61 39 273 Proud 251 Proudfoot 43 61 106 234 Provini MrsE 61 106 Pugh 239 Pugh 37 43 45 61 107 123 236 237 Purfurst MrsJ 66 Pursey 251 Purver 61 66 223 Purves 265 Pye 45 61 128 259 Quantock 264 Queen The Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth the Quilliam 267 Quilliam Τ Α 263 Quinton 261 Rabate -M 239 Race 247 Rado 260 Raitt MrsJ 61 107 239 Rajak Η 43 62 118 247 Ramirez 242 Ramsey The Most Rev and Rt Hon 230 388 Ramsey Rev 230 Randall Sir 71 249 252 281 Ranft McL 62 no Ratcliffe Rev 229 Ratcliffe 69 Raven Α 245 Rawlings 263 Rawlins 45 46 62 134 264 Rebelo de 43 62 no 241 Reckert 38 43 62 no 241 Reddish Α 62 39 Redmayne Miss 232 Reed 233 Reed 234 Reed 70 Rees 253 254 Rees Miss Ε 258 Rees 265 Rees MrsJ 43 62 106 234 Reeve 264 Reeve 261 Reeves 269 Relton 261 Relton Η 225 281 388 Rhodes Mrs 224 239 281 Rice 69 Richard -P 239 Richards Β 253 Richards 45 62 124 252 Richards Miss 70 Richardson 70 Richardson 140 275 Richardson 251 Richardson 45 62 126 256 Richardson Sir 249 Riches Miss 69 Rickards 246 Rideal SirE 253 281 Rider Miss 260 Ridge 268 Rinsler Mrs 41 43 62 107 239 Risley 69 Ritson 26s Robbins MissJ 68 Roberts Mrs Α 43 62 106 234 Roberts Κ 268 Roberts 254 255 Roberts Μ 234 Roberts 67 Robertson Rev Α 221 Robertson 38 45 62 125 253 254 255 Robertson Miss Α 68 Robertson 274 Robertson Rev 227 Robins 46 62 13 268 Robinson Α 263 Robinson 45 62 126 261 Robinson Ε 234 Robinson 69 Robinson 271 Robinson Mrs Η 22 Robinson Rev 226 Robinson 272 Robinson 272 Robinson Miss Μ 160 Robinson 45 62 125 254 255 Robinson 251 Robson 71 267 269 281 Robson 234 Roche 239 Rockstro Miss Ε 266 Rodger 273 Rodriques Α Α 241 Rogers Rev 224 228 Rogers 252 Rogers 43 62 106 234 Rogers Η 248 Rollinson Miss 68 Rome Miss Ε 124 Rosa 268 Rose 45 62 107 137 Rose Η 37 46 47 62 138 139 272 273 Rose Rev 221 Rose 240 Rosenblat 260 261 Rosenheim 267 Roseveare 43 62 109 235 236 Rosevere 273 Rosing Κ 237 Ross 71 271 272 281 Ross Miss 67 Ross Sir 241 Rosswick 264 Routh Η 233 Row 259 260 Rowe 43 62 no 242 Rowland 69 Rowlands 266 Rowlands Miss 45 46 62 135 268 Roxburgh 261 262 Roy 40 43 62 109 235 236 Royle 266 Rubens Miss Ε 160 Rumbold 67 Rupp Rev 281 388 Russell 262 Russell 234 Russell-Wells Miss 258 Ruston 261 Rutherford 266
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