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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1971-1972-496

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Annual Report of the Delegacy cxxi Fox and Guttmann 'Low temperature critical behaviour of the spin Ising model Physics Letters 1970 31A 234 Gaunt and Baker 'Low temperature critical behaviour from high temperature expansions Phys Rev Β 1970 1184 Gaunt and Domb 'Equation of state of the Ising model near the critical point Phys 1970 1442 Griffiths and Harbison 'Measurement of cross sections of nuclear reactions related to the anomal- ous composition of centauri Astrophysical 1969 138 711 Guttmann Thompson and Ninham 'Determination of critical behaviour from series expansions in lattice statistics IV Phys 1970 1641 Harbison Α Stewart Ν Squier Τ Α Johnston and Spiers 'Cross section measurements for the reactions 10B lIB and 10B sB Nuclear Physics 1970 A141 158 Harbison Α Griffiths Stewart Ν Squier Τ Α and Johnston 'An analysis of polarization and cross section data for p-He3 systems at 30 and 50 MeV Nuclear Physics 1970 A130 570 Jones 'The apparent resonance frequencies of the earth-ionosphere cavity when excited by single dipole source Geomag Geoelect 1969 21 684-97 'Electromagnetic radiation from multiple return strokes of lightning Atmosph Terr Phys 1970 32 1077-93 'Numerical computations of terrestial electromagnetic wave fields in the frequency domain Radio Science Res NBS 1970 770-8 'Propagation of pulses in the earth-ionosphere cavity and application to "slow tail" atmospherics Radio Science Res NBS 1970 1031-9 'Contribution to "Electromagnetic Probing of the Upper Atmosphere" Ed Ε Smith Pub Pergamon Press April 1970 pp 609-622-also published in Atmosph Terr Phys 1970 32 609-622 Jones and Kemp 'Experimental and theoretical observations on the transient excitation of Schumann resonances Atmosph Terr Phys 1970 32 1095-1108 Kingston Fulmer Scott Α and Hafele 'Total reaction cross-sections for Sm isotopes Bull of 1970 Washington
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