Calendar: 1971-1972 Page 384
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χ Annual Report of the Council th there was small group of Roman Catholic Franciscans living and working in the College Students were divided into groups for different aspects of their training-into fraternities of six members for general discussion and inter-personal development the fraternities in turn taking on duties towards the community as whole into groups of six for work in eleven different parishes in East Kent where they were being helped by the incumbents towards an understanding of practical pastoral work into seminars each man choosing one seminar for the year on one of the following topics Education Industry Social Services Healing in these seminars biblical and theological study and dis- cussion were combined with practical work alongside the lay people engaged in the work as for example in schools prison hospitals The aim of the course has been growth in personal maturity towards confidence and competence for the life of ministry with emphasis on theological understanding personal growth in faith and prayer and pastoral experience It has been no small achievement to get this new course started and worked out after brief period of one month between taking over the buildings and receiving the first group of students The Warden and his staff Miss Aplin and her staff are to be warmly thanked for what they have done The experience of this first year has been reflected on and lessons learned new patterns have been developed in anticipation of the second year The College has been much encouraged by the Corporate Body who are the Trustees of St Augustine's and the transfer of responsibility has been quickly and satisfactorily achieved The presence of number of married students in cottages on the College site has created in the dining hall large and mixed community with some small children making their contribution Many guests have been entertained during the year in addition to visiting lecturers who have made important and distinctive contributions to the in- tellectual life of the College many of whom have stayed for several days The new course at St Augustine's was launched at memorable gathering on October 10th 1969 when the Archbishop of Canterbury celebrated the Eucharist and preached in the undercroft of the Library worship was followed by party in the dining hall when large com- pany representative both of King's College and of the city of Canter- bury paused for while to hear speeches by the Archdeacon of Canter-
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