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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1971-1972-378

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iv Annual Report of the Council King's College was leaving to become Vicar of St John the Divine Kennington The Council also sent letters of thanks to two retiring members of the staff who in their different roles had served the College with devo- tion to the Accountant Mr Chappell and to the groundsman at Mitcham Mr Fred Pausey and Mrs Pausey The Annual Court elected Professor Winnington-Ingram hon litt Professor of Greek to be member of the Council The staff of the Theological Department elected the Reverend Reginald Trueman to be member of the Council in place of the Reverend Martin whose term of office had expired The Council concurred with the Delegacy in the appointment of Mr McD Tempany as Accountant from August 1st 1970 The Council after full discussion at two meetings decided to appoint two students to the Theological Committee each year at its meeting in February These two students would be elected by students of the Faculty and Department of Theology and the names would be sent to the Dean before the February meeting of the Council One person elected would be second year student who would if appointed attend meetings of the Theological Committee in the July of his second year and in the November and February of his third year The other student elected if appointed would attend the July meeting in his third year at College and the November and February meetings of the Theological Committee during his year at Canterbury The Council noted that any students appointed to the Theological Committee by the Council were in no sense delegates of the student body but once appointed were full members in their own individual right and the normal rules of confidentiality would operate for them as for all other members The Council nominated as student members of the Theological Committee for 1970-71 Mr Edward Morris and Mr Christopher Duncan The Council received the proposed new Code of Discipline and concurred with the Delegacy in accepting the new Rules Regulations and Procedures as from May 1st 1970 The Council appointed Miss Α Μ Gold as its representative on the Foundation Board and the Governing Body of Grey Coat Hospital in place of Miss Edwards The Council appointed the Right Reverend Trillo Bishop of
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