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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-527

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

Index of Names Canterbury His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury the Arch- deacon of 50 Capper 271 272 CarafS 222 Cardoso Pires 53 no 241 Carey 242 Cargill Thompson 42 47 53 151 228 Carlyle 45 53 135 270 Carpenter The Rev Canon 48 230 280 390 Carpenter 44 53 124 257 258 Carr 237 238 Carter Miss 223 Cartwright 69 392 Cartwright 48 Casey 67 Cassell 264 Casserley Rev 230 280 390 Casson 233 Caswill 252 Catcheside 257 258 Catt 69 Catterson-Smith 274 Cavalier-Smith 44 53 123 252 Cavan Β 232 Cavenagh Α 244 Chaffer 69 Chamberlain Rt Rev 280 390 Champion 65 250 280 Chaplyn Miss Μ Α 244 245 Chapman Rev Canon 280 390 Chapman 44 53 127 250 251 Chapman 257 Chappell Α 223 Charles 44 46 53 67 134 263 264 Charlton Α 46 54 138 272 Charlwood Α 255 Charnley 269 Chater Miss 159 Chatfield 246 Cheetham Rev 227 Cheetham Rev 228 Chesterman 43 54 117 247 Chew Miss Η 235 Child 232 Childs 251 Childs 251 Ching Κ 242 Chissick 44 54 125 254 Chloros 38 43 54 117 246 247 Choisy Υ -H 239 Chomet 44 54 127 251 252 Chorley later Lord Chorley 248 Christie 247 Christy 269 Churchill 235 Churchill Rev 224 Clark 272 Clark Miss 234 Clark 266 Clark 272 Clark 270 Clarke 42 54 106 239 Clarke Judge 100 280 Clarke Η 273 274 280 Clarke Miss 247 Clarke Miss Μ 238 Clarkson 265 Claveria 242 Clayton 266 Cleaver Miss Μ 68 Clements Miss Α 66 Clibbens Α 254 255 Clive 44 54 125 254 Clogg 42 54 109 235 Cloudslcy-Thompson 259 Cobby Miss 247 Cock Α Α 244 Cock Τ Α 261 Cocking 35 36 37 39 40 42 54 106 238 239 280 Cockram Miss 247 Coe 44 54 125 254 Cofman Miss 67 Coggins Rev 50 54 152 226 227 Coghill Miss 263 265 Cohn 54 117 246 Coker 54 237 Cole Miss 269 Cole 259 Coleman Miss 42 44 54 107 237 Coleman Rev 224 Coleridge Η 222 Collier 247 Collins 44 54 127 251 Collins 269 Collins Rev 225 Collins 254 255 Collins Rev 227 Collinson 228 Colls 268 Colquhoun 280 Colvine 54 126 256 Combridge 222 223 261 262 280 Compston Rev 226 229 Compton Α 264 265 Congram 69 Connell Miss 240 Conncll MissJ 67 Connor 66 Connor Miss 68 Conrad Miss 67 Constantinides 241 Conway 236 Cook Miss Α 66 Cook Ε Α 255 Cook 272 Cook 258 Coombe 252 Coombs 251 Cooper 273 Cooper 264 Copeland MissJ see Mrs Fortin Coppin Miss 239 Cordingley 44 46 47 54 134 263 264 Corfield 263 264 Corry Β Α 275 Cory 69 Coulshaw Rev 280 390 Coulson Α 249 Coupland 250 251 Courtney Miss 67 Courtney 42 54 105 231 232 Coutts Α 247 Coventry Rev 224 Cowan 44 54 124 257 258 Cowdrcy 69 Cowen Miss 42 54 106 234 Cowie Mrs Ε 40 42 47 54 147 244 Cox 256
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