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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-525

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INDEX OF NAMES This is an index of the names of members of The Governing Bodies Fellows of the College the Officers the Staff both past and present and the Committees of the College Abbay 249 Abbiss MissM 68 Abbott Rev see Westminster the Very Rev Dean of Ackroyd The Rev 37 39 42 47 49 52 151 226 280 39Ο Adam General Sir 36 Adams 256 Adams 69 Adams 222 249 Adamson 243 244 Adby 46 52 140 274 Aharoni 252 Aitken 265 Alexander 251 Allan 42 44 52 126 260 261 Allanson Miss 259 260 Allen Rev 227 Allen 250 251 Allen 261 Allen Rev 224 Allmand 222 253 Allwood 267 Alvarez Rodriguez de Lasso Miss Μ 242 Amery 264 Amos 68 Anderson 258 Anderson 244 Anderson Rt Rev 392 Andro Miss 239 Andrews 46 52 138 272 Andrews 159 Andrews 69 Ansted 256 Anstice 231 Appleton Ε 249 Argent Miss 66 Arkosy 223 Armitage 261 Armstrong Α 233 Arnfield MissJ 68 Arnold Α Η 65 274 Arnott 69 Arnott 252 Arnstein 38 39 44 45 52 129 134 135 269 Arthur 36 37 44 45 52 123 128 129 258 259 Artus Miss 239 Ashbridge Sir 280 391 Ashby 66 Ashby 42 52 109 238 Ashford 52 67 224 Ashton Miss 261 262 Atkins 222 240 Atkinson Miss 67 Aubert 248 Audigier 239 Ayling Ε 255 Ayres Miss 223 Azevedo D'A 241 Β Bach 265 Bailey Miss 252 Bailey Μ 264 Baird 36 280 Baker Rev Α 230 Baker Miss Α 44 45 52 135 268 Balchin 237 Baldrey Β 273 Ball Rev 227 Ball 256 Ball 236 Ball Sir 257 Ball 246 Balleine Miss Η 67 Banbury 258 Band 44 45 52 135 268 Bangert 69 ix Baniol 239 Barak 255 Barber Α 252 Barclay-Smith 263 Barker 247 Barker 221 Barker Rev 52 224 Barkla 249 Barlow 247 Barnard 42 44 52 126 261 Barnard Ε Α 259 Barnes 52 135 270 Barr 52 127 251 Barrett 268 Barrett Miss 52 66 223 Barrett Τ 244 Barrett 233 234 Barrington 246 Barron MissJ 239 Barry Rev Α 221 Barry Rev 226 280 390 Bartlett 245 Barton 247 Barton 257 Barton-Wright 257 Bass 69 Bate 231 233 Bath 262 Bathurst Μ 52 100 117 246 280 Batson 280 Batten 69 Battie Miss Μ Α 269 Baxter Ε 266 Baxter 234 Bayley 252 Bazeley Miss Ε 245 Beachey 235 Beale 266 Beale Τ 268 Beales 38 39 42 46 47 52 147 235 244 280 Bearman Miss 245 Beatt Mrs 68
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