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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-521

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

General Index ν Faculty of Laws see Laws Faculty of Medical Science see Medical Science Faculty of Music see Music Faculty of Natural Science see Natural Science Faculty of Theology see Theology Fees 78 Fellows and Fellowships 279 Finance Committee of the Council 49 Finance Committee of the Delegacy 35 Fourth Year Theological CoUege 154 156 French Department of 106 238 General Facilities Lost Property 97 Refectories 96 Student Health 96 Student Lockers 96 General Information 71 Geography Department of 107 236 Geology Department of 125 256 German Department of 108 240 Gilbart Lecturers 248 Governors of Endowed Schools and Charities 51 Grace College Prayer and 11 Η Halliday Hall 94 Halls of Residence Canterbury Hall 94 College Hall 94 Commonwealth Hall 94 Connaught Hall 95 Halliday Hall 94 Hughes Parry Hall 95 International Hall 95 King's CoUege Hall 93 King's College Hostel 93 Lillian Penson Hall 95 Nutford House 94 Health Student 96 Higher Degrees and Diplomas Arts 115 Engineering 141 Laws 121 Medical Science 137 Music 145 Natural Science 132 Theology 155 History Medieval and Modern Depart- ment of 108 234 History and Philosophy of Religion see under Faculty of Theology History of the College see Sketch of the Development of King's CoUege 21 Internal Combustion Engineering 142 International HaU 95 Italian Visiting Lecturer 106 Joint School of Geography 107 Κ King's CoUege Sketch of the Develop- ment of 21 King's CoUege HaU 90 King's CoUege Hostel 93 King's CoUege London Association 100 King's News 99 Laws Faculty of LL Degree 119 LL Degree 121 LL Degree 121 Admission of Students 118 Articled Clerks 122 Bar Examinations 122 Board of Faculty Members of 43 Conditions of Entry 120 Examination Successes 344 364 368 Faculty Officers 117 Higher Degrees and Diplomas 122 Postgraduate Courses 122 Prizes 197 Scholarships 196 Staff Academic 117 246 Undergraduate Courses 118 Laws Entrance Scholarships Postgraduate 197 Undergraduate 196 Lectures in Theology Daily Service and 74 Library CoUege 157 Library Committee 40 Library Rules CoUege 164 Admission to the Library 164 Availability of Books 165 Borrowing 166 Discipline 165 Staff 159 222 Library Staffing Committee 40 Library University 168 Library Westminster 169 Lillian Penson HaU 95 Lockers 96
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