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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-507

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Page content

cxxxii Annual Report of the Delegacy Cox conti with Lykakis 'Immunological responses of the toad Xenopus Laevis to the antigens of the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis Immunology 15 429-37 with Young 'Acquired immunity to Babesia microti and Babesia rodhaini in mice Parasitology 59 257-68 Darwin Review in New Scientist Hawkins Shirley 'Effect of actinomycin on the assimilation of cytoplasmic determinant in amoebae Nature 220 923-4 with Lesley Willis 'Nuclear transplantion studies of the action of dimidium bromide on amoebae Nature 222 86-7 Healey Reviews in of Animal Ecology and of Ecology with Newell 'Report on the joint UNESCO IBP Symposium on Methods of Study in Soil Ecology Pedobiologia 273-4 Hobbs 'Fixation of fresh-water green algae by 31 Os04 in CCl4 in an un- buffered two-phase fixative system Stain Technology In press Lyons Κ 'Sense organs of monogenean skin parasites ending in typical cilium Parasitology In press 'Compound sensilla in monogenean skin parasites Parasitology In press 'Fine structure of the monogenean epidermis Parasitology In press 'The fine structure of the body wall ofGyrocotyle urna Zeits Parasitenk In press Pye 'The diversity of bats Science 47-52 'Hearing in bats CIBA Symp Hearing mechanisms in vertebrates 66-8 with Noirot Sound analysis of ultrasonic distress calls of mouse pups as function of their age Anim Behav 17 340-9 FACULTY OF THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE Wiles 'The Unassumed is the Unhealed Published version of paper read to the Society for the Study of Theology Religious Studies No October 1968
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