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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-506

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Annual Report of the Delegacy cxxxi Rush Α Α and Ganguly Ν 'Collective model analysis of inelastic scattering of 49-5 MeV protons by 24Mg Nuclear Physics 1968 A117 101 Thomas Burge and Smith 'Polarisation measurements on the elastic scattering of 30 MeV protons from 63Cm and 65Cm Rutherford symposiums on the use of Nimrodfor Nuclear Structure Studies March 1968 Thomas Ά comment on proton and neutron distributions in 40Cm Physics Letters 1969 28B 446 Thomas and Burge 'Differences in optical model parameters between pairs of isotopes as found from difference functions of scattering data Nuclear Physics 1969 A128 545 Watson 'Impurities and defects in Ising Lattices Proc Phys Soc 1968 Ci 575 'Critical behaviour of inhomogeneouslattices Phys 1969 C2 948-58 Wilkinson 'The study by far infra-red and Raman spectroscopy of intermolecular vibrations in solids and liquids Molecular Spectroscopy ed Hepple 1968 43 Elsevier Pub Co DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Arthur Ticks and Disease Pergamon Press New edition 1420 pp Survival Man and his Environment English Universities Press 1-216pp 'Ben Dawes' Foreword Adv Parasitology r-2 'Tick feeding and its implications Adv Parasitology 275-92 with Snow 'Ixodes pacificus Cooley and Kohls 1943 its life history and occurrence Parasitology 58 893-906 'Larvae of the Ixodes ricinus complex of species Parasitology 60 27-38 Cox 'The problematic Permian reptile Eunotosaurus Bull Brit Mus Nat Hist Geol 18 Reviews in Nature Cox 'Immunity to malaria after recovery from piroplasmosis in mice Nature 219 646 'The effect of betamethasone on acquired immunity to Plasmodium vinckei in mice Ann Trop Med Parasit 62 295-300
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