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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-505

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cxxx Annual Report of the Delegacy Harbison Α Kingston Griffiths Johnston and Megaw 'Polarisation in the elastic scattering of 30 MeV protons by 3He Nuclear Physics 1968 A112 137 Harbison Α Kingston Johnston and McClatchie Ά search for excited state in 3He by the 3He pp' 3He reaction Nuclear Physics 1968 A108 478 Harbison Α Griffiths Kingston Johnston and Squier 'Nucleon-nucleons final state interactions in the reactions 3He 2p 4He 2p and 4He 3He pn Nuclear Physics 1969 A130 513 Hunter 'Pade approximant analysis of the Ising Model specific heat above the Curie Temperature Phys 1969 C2 941 Jones Llanwyn 'Use of operational amplifiers in narrow-band filter systems for spectrum analysis at audio and sub-audio frequencies Electronic Eng 1969 41 97-102 Joyce 'Absence of ferromagnetism or antiferromagnetism in the isotropic Heisen- berg model with long-range interactions Phys Solid State Phys 1969 1531 Kingston Griffiths Johnston Gibson McClatchie Ε Α and Megaw Ά study of the 26Mg 24Mg and 26Mg 3He 24Na reactions at 50 MeV Nuclear Physics 1969 A124 225 Kingston Megaw Johnston and Gibson 'Polarisation in the elastic scattering of 95 MeV and 21 MeV protons by deuterons Nuclear Physics 1968 A122 689 Kingston Squier Τ Α McClatchie Ε Α Johnston Batten and England 'Elastic and inelastic scattering of 3He particles from 10B at 32 MeV Nuclear Physics 1968 Aug 369 Lewis 'An alpha particle thickness gauge Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1968 64 293 Lewis Calderbank Ganguly Ν and Fricke 'Analysis of the inelastic scattering of 50 MeV protons Nuclear Physics 1969 A117 673 Price 'Developments in photoelectron spectroscopy Molecular Spectroscopy ed Hepple 1968 221 Elsevier Pub Co
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