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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-503

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Page content

cxxviii Annual Report of the Delegacy Frohlich Formal Groups Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1968 Reviews in Lond Math Soc Frohlich Α and McEvett 'Forms over rings with involution of Algebra 1969 12 79-104 'The representation of groups by automorphisms of forms of Algebra 1969 12 114-33 Higgins 'Baer invariants and the Birkhoff-Witt theorem of Algebra 1969 11 469-82 Kilmister Chapter on 'Relativity and Cosmology Scientific Thought 1900-1960 Selective Survey ed Harre 1969 'Characterising implication Math Gazette 1969 53 171-2 Laird Structure of the neutral sheet in the geomagnetic tail of Geophysical Research 1969 74 133 Miiller zum Hagen 'On theextendability of Weyl co-ordinates Proc Camb Phil Soc 1969 66 155 Pirani Editor ABC of Relativity by Bertrand Russell New edition Allen and Unwin 1969 Semple Reviews in Lond Math Soc and Bull Lond Math Soc Semple and Tyrrell 'Specialization of Cremona transformations Mathematika 1968 15 171-7 'The Cremona transformation of Se by quadrics through normal elliptic septimic scroll 1R7 Mathematika 1969 16 88-97 Szekeres 'Multiple particles in equilibrium in general relativity Phys Rev 1968 176 1446-50 Tyrrell Reviews in Zentralblatt fur Math and Lond Math Soc Tyrrell Α and Williams On the pure transcendence of certain fields of rational functions Bull Lond Math Soc 1969 75-8
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