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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-502

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy cxxvii Jones In Abstract-'The base of the Namurian in South Wales Proc 6th Int Cong Carh Strat Geol 1967 'The Namurian succession between Tenby and Waterwynch Pembroke- shire Geol 1969 Pt 267-78 with Squirrel 'The discovery of the Gastrioceras subcrenatum marine band at Risca Mon- mouthshire Bull Geol Surv Gt Britain 1969 30 65-70 Potter Co-author National Hydrocarbon Corporation The Fuel Study Group Richardson with Lister Silurian and Lower Devonian spore assemblages from the Welsh Border- land and South Wales Palaeontology 1969 12 Pt 201-52 Rowland 'Some aspects of Recent marine sedimentation Inst Sci Technol 1968 14 No 92-6 Taylor Sedimentary ores of iron and manganese and their origin Sedimentary Ores Ancient and Modern Revised Proc 15th Inter-Univ Geol Cong 1967 171-86 with Kefiaway 'The influence of landslipping on the development of the City of Bath England XXIII Internat Geol Cong Prague 1968 12 65-76 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Armitage 'The Thue-Seigel-Roth Theorem in Characteristic of Algebra 1968 183-9 'An analogue of problem of Littlewood Mathematika 1969 16 101-5 Reviews in Mathematical Reviews Zentralblatt fur Math Nature and Bull Lond Math Soc Bondi 'Gravitational bounce in General Relativity Mon Not Astr Soc 1969 142 333-53 Burgoyne 'Three dimensional least squares curve fitting Programme contributed to CDC Computer Library 1969 d'Inverno 'ALAM-Adas Lisp Algebraic Manipulator ComputerJ 1969 12 124-7 Erdos Reviews in Lond Math Soc and Mathematical Reviews
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