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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-495

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cxx Annual Report of the Delegacy Hookes Randall Sir John and Hopkins 'Problems of morphopoiesis and macromolecular structure in cilia Symp int Soc Cell Biol 1968 115 Jacobs Hopkins and Randall Sir John 'Biochemistry of Chlamydomonas dageMa Proc Soc 1969 173 61 Levine Υ Bailey and Wilkins Μ 'Multilayers of phospholipid bimolecular leaflets Nature 1968 220 577 Lowy and Spencer Structure and function of bacterial flagella Aspects of Cell Motility XXIInd Symp Soc exp Biol Oxford 1968 215 Matthews 'The application of Cerenkov counting to column chromatography of 32P labelled substances Chromat 1968 36 302 Matthews 'The distribution of purine nucleotides in μ2 viral ribonucleic acid gen Virol 1968 403 'Fractionation on DEAE-Sephadex columns of some oligonucleotides from pancreatic ribonuclease digests of RNA from bacteriophage μ2 Eur Biochem 1968 96 McVittie Studies on flagella-less stumpy and short flagellum mutants of Chlamy- domonas reinhardii Proc Soc 1969 173 59 Munden and Prest 'Temperature control apparatus used in flagellar regeneration experiments Appendix to The flagellar apparatus as model organelle for the study of growth and morphopoiesis by Sir John Randall Proc Soc 1969 173 55 Pelc 'Incorporation of 3H thymidine in mouse spleen Cell Set 1968 263 'Turnover of DNA and function Nature 1968 219 162 'Biological implications of DNA-turnover in higher organisms Ver- handlungen der Gesellschafi fur Histochemie auf dem XII Symposium in Gent vom 22 his 26 September 1967 Acta histochemica Suppl VIII 'Effect of 300 X-rays on incorporation of 3Η-thymidine in non- dividing differentiated cells Int Radiat Biol 1968 15 175 Pinder Gould and Smith 'Conservation of the structure of ribosomal RNA during evolution molec Biol 1969 40 289
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