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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-493

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cxviii Annual Report of the Delegacy Milner contd looked and behold Anthem for choir and organ Novello commissioned by St John's Church Belmont Surrey first performed November 1968 Most Glorious Lord Anthem for choir and organ written for and first performed by the choir of St Mary's Church Leeds August 1969 Psalm 122 for choir organ and congregation written for King's College London Commemoration Service December 1968 FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCE department of biophysics Appleton Pelc Dingle and Fell Η 'Endocytosis of sugars in embryonic skeletal tissues in organ culture III Radioautographic distribution of 14C sucrose Cell Set 1969 33 Appleton 'The application of autoradiography to the study of soluble compounds Verhandlungen der GesellscL ftftir Histochemie auf dem XII Symposium in Gent vom 22 bis 26 September 1967 Acta histochem Suppl VIII 115 Arnott 'Refinement of molecular structures in crystalline fibres Symposium on Fibrous Proteins Australia 1967 26-41 Arnott Fuller Hodgson Α and Prutton 'Molecular conformations and structure transitions of RNA comple- mentary helices and their possible biological significance Nature 1968 220 561 Chignell Α and Gratzer 'Solvent effects on aromatic chromophores and their relation to ultra- violet difference spectra of proteins phys Chem 1968 72 2934 Chignell Α Bailey Beaven and Gratzer 'An analysis of perturbations in the ultraviolet absorption spectra of pro- teins and model compounds Eur Biochem 1968 Cotter and Gratzer Conformation of ribosomal RNA of colt an infrared analysis Nature 1969 221 154 Cotter and Gratzer 'An infrared study of the conformation of RNA and protein in the ribo- some Eur Biochem 1969 352 Davies 'Topographical observations on the envelope-limited sheets of chromatin associated with the cell nucleus Fourth European Regional Conference on Electron Miaoscopy Rome 1968 175-6
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