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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-492

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy cxvii Taylor with Davey Mary 'Behaviour of jaw muscle stretch receptors during active and passive movements in the cat Nature 1968 202 301-2 'Extracellular micro-electrodes employing glass coated silver micro-wire Physiol 1968 200 94-6P Ά technique for recording normal jaw movements in conscious cats Med Biol Engrtg 1969 89-90 FACULTY OF MUSIC Bent Contributed reviews of books scores and music to Musical Times and Music and Letters and sleeve notes for recordings of medieval music Assisted revision of 2nd ed John Dunstable's Complete Works Musica Britannica VIII Prepared music and explanatory texts for the record Music during the Hundred Years' War Bent Margaret Articles' New and littleknown Fragments of English Medieval Polyphony of the American Musicological Society XXI Ά Postscript on the Berkeley Theory Manuscript Acta Musicologica XL 'Sources of the Old Hall Music' Proceedings of the Royal Musical Associa- tion 94 Assisted revision of 2nd ed John Dunstable's Complete Works Musica Britannica VIII Dart Thurston Critical edition of Mustek's Hand-maid 1678 Revised further volumes in the series English Madrigalists and English Lute-Songs Articles and reviews in The Galpin Society Musical Times Bulletin of SOAS Current Musicology of the American Musicological Society further volume in the Invitation series-Invitation to Medieval Music Stainer Bell 1969 Lockspeiser study Berlioz and the Painters of his time Neue Ziircher Zeitung and Apollo London The Strauss edition of Berlioz's Treatise on Instrumentation Music and Letters Series of broadcasts for the Third Programme on music in the work of Romain Rolland Marcel Proust Andre Gide and Pierre Louys Milner Compositions form of Sunday Vespers for congregational use Novello The Song of Akhenaten for soprano and chamber orchestra Novello
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