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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-490

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy cxv Kogut and Harris 'Effects of streptomycin in bacterial cultures growing at different rates interaction with bacterial ribosomes in vivo European Biochem 1969 42 Nolan and Arnstein 'The dissociation of rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes with EDTA and the location of messenger ribonucleic acid European Biochem 1969 445 'The dissociation of rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes into subparticles active in protein synthesis European Biochem 1969 10 96 Whittaker 'Serum haptoglobin in the nephrotic syndrome other renal diseases and rheumatoid arthritis Amer Clin Chem 1968 50 454 'The pseudocholinesterase variants Differentiation by means of sodium chloride Actagenet Basel 1968 18 556 'The frequency of the fluoride resistant gene in population of British students Actagenet Basel 1968 18 563 'Frequency of atypical pseudocholinesterase in groups of individuals of different ethnographical origin Actagenet Basel 1968 18 567 'Esterases occurring in human pathological body fluids Abstracts of 6th Meeting Madrid 1969 99 'Suxamethonium apnoea Anaesthesia 1969 24 138 Whittaker and Hardisty 'Properties of "usual" and "atypical" serum cholinesterase using 0- nitrophenyl butyrate as substrate Clin Chem 1969 15 445 Whittaker and Vickers 'Incorrect labelling in suxamethonium apnoea Brit med 1968 11 254 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Birmingham Ernest and Newcombe 'Antagonism of the response of human isolated arteries to noradrenaline Brit Pharmacol 33 127-31 Birmingham and Iversen 'Uptake and metabolism of 3Η-noradrenaline by normal and by dener- vated vasa deferentia of guinea-pigs and rats Brit Pharmacol 35 356-7 Birmingham Rubenstein and Latimer Ά comparison of the effect of competitive alpha-receptor blocking agent on normal and on high blood pressure in man Proc IVth Int Cong Pharmacol 1969 Brownlee Wilson and Birmingham 'An effect of small doses of atropine in man Proc IVth Int Cong Pharmacol 1969
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