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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-489

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Page content

cxiv Annual Report of the Delegacy Hobdell Μ Cowell and Sheihan 'Patterns of tooth loss in British adult populations Dent Res 1968 47 970 Hobdell Μ and Miller 'Preliminary report on the histology of the dental and paradental tissues of Latimeria Chalumnae Smith with note on tooth replacement Archs Oral Biol 1968 13 1289-92 'The radiographic anatomy of the teeth and tooth supporting tissues of Latimeria Chalumnae Archs oral Biol 1969 14 855-8 Hobdell Μ Sheiham Α and Cowell 'Patterns of tooth loss in Britain populations Studies on industrial popu- lations Brit dent 1969 126 255-60 Hobdell Μ Sheiham Α and Slack 'Patterns of tooth loss in British populations Studies on National Health Service patients Brit dent 1969 126 349-51 Hobdell Μ and Sheiham 'Decayed missing and filled teeth in British adult populations Brit dent 1969 126 401-4 McMinn Μ Tissue Repair Academic Press New York 1969 McMinn Μ Johnson and Atfield Ultrastructural and biochemical observations on the tympanic membrane Anat 1968 103 297-310 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY Arnstein and Heather 'The presence of messenger RNA in subparticles from reticulocyte ribo- somes Abstracts of 6th Meeting Madrid 1969 143 Bonanou Α and Arnstein 'The reassociation of fractionated rabbit reticulocyte ribosomal subunits into particles active in polyphenylalanine synthesis Letters 19 59 348 Cannon 'The puromycin reaction and its inhibition by chloramphenicol Euro- pean Biochem 1968 137 'The translocation step in peptide-bond formation Biochem 1969 114 36P Darbre Α Del Favero Α and Waterfield 'Gas-liquid chromatography of radioactive amino acids as their tri- fluoroacetylester derivatives Chromatog r969 40 213
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