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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-487

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy Colin 'Common Market Recognition of Judgements 119 New Law 109 1969 'Anerkennung einer in Deutschland erwirkten Scheidung seitens der en- glischcn Gerichte 21 Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2176 1968 'Zur Bekanntgabe der abweichenden Meinung des iiberstimmten Richters' 24 Juristenzeitung 330 1969 Case notes and book reviews in Modem Law Review International and Comparative Law Quarterly Neue Juristixhe Wochenschrift and Zeitschrift fur Zivilprozess Freeman Chapter on 'Criminal Law' in Law Students' Annual 1968-69 Butter- worth's 1969 Reviews in British of Criminology and Social Service Quarterly Graveson Conflict of Laws 6th ed Sweet Maxwell 1968 jointly The Uniform Laws on International Sales Act 1967 Butterworth's 1968 'The Recognition of Foreign Divorce Decrees 12 Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales 221 1968 jointly 'The Eleventh Session of the Hague Conference of Private Inter- national Law 18 International and Comparative Law Quarterly July 1969 Book reviews in Law Quarterly Revieiv and International and Comparative Law Quarterly Guest Anson's Law of Contract 23 rd ed Clarendon Press 1969 The Law of Hire-Purchase 1st Supplement Sweet Maxwell 1969 Hughes Contributor on Labour Law Law of Property and Conflict of Laws for the German-English volumes of the Erdsiek-Dietl Worterhuch fur Recht Wirtschaft und Politik James Ī¤ Various reviews in the field of Criminology Kiralfy Chapter 'English Law' off Derrett's Introduction to Legal Systems Sweet Maxwell 1968 Translation from the Hungarian of Professor Szaszy's article on the 'Proper Law of the Contract in Trade between Eastern Europe and the West' 18 International and Comparative Law Quarterly Pt 103 January 1969 Member of the editorial board of the International and Comparative Law Quarterly
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