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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-486

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy cxi Rose Η 'Simple techniques for particle size analysis Research Assoc for Powder Technology of Japan 1969 No 49 'Dust explosion hazards Symposium on Powders Society Cosmetic Chemists Dublin April 1969 'The determination of the grain size distribution of spherical granular material embedded in matrix Sedimentology 1968 10 293 with Duckworth 'Transport of Solid Particles in Liquids and Gases The Engineer 1969 227 392 430 and 478 withj English 'The binding of slotted beams as means of determination of the surface energy of material Trans Inst Mining and Metallurgy 1968 77 171 Ross On editorial advisory board of Nuclear Engineering and Design and Maga- zine of Concrete Research Williams with Ali Μ and Anderson 'Noise and flow characteristics of coaxial jets of Mech Eng Science 1969 11 33 FACULTY OF LAWS Birtles Contributor to Handbook of Citizens' Rights National Council for Civil Liberties 1968 Boyle 'The Derivative Action in Company Law of Business Law 120 April 1969 Book reviews in Modern Law Review and New Blackfriars Bramwell Assistant Editor The British Tax Encyclopaedia Chesterman Case notes Ά "Limping Divorce" 32 Modern Law Review 84 1969 'Sorting out Company Fraud 32 Modern Law Review 328 1969 Chloros 'Principle Reason and Policy in the Development of English Law 17 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 849 1968 'The European Conference of Deans of Law Faculties 18 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 477 1969 Book review in International and Comparative Law Quarterly
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