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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-482

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy cvn Morgan and Pugh West Africa Methuen London 1969 pp xxviii-788 187 maps and diagrams Petch Ά preliminary investigation into the application of indices of shape to micro-landforms Horizon 1969 18 46-53 Pugh Reviews in Geography Rose 'Woodland Conservation and Ecology of the Arhoricultural Association 1968 1-10 Rosing Κ 'Computer Graphics Area 1969 1-7 Map in Annual Report of the Computer Unit University College Lon- don 1968 Smith and Yates Ε On the dating of English houses from external evidence Field Studies 1969 537-77 FACULTY OF EDUCATION Beales Editor British of Educational Studies On editorial board of of Educational Administration and History 'The Church and State problem in education in seven English-speaking countries History of Education ed Paul Nash Random House and Knopf 1969 Reviews in The Times Educational Supplement of Ecclesiastical History British of Educational Studies Catholic Education Today Cowie Evelyn Living through History VI Transport VIII Communication IX Dis- covery Cassell 1969 Man and the Crusades Hamish Hamilton 1969 Dawson Β 'Rates and mechanism of reactions at sixth form level Summer Schools in Chemical Education 1968 Section Royal Institute of Chemistry Reviews in Education in Chemistry and School Science Review Hirst The logic of the curriculum of Curriculum Studies May 1969 No 'The foundations of morality Spectrum January 1969 No 'The curriculum Western European Education Spring 1969 No
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