Calendar: 1970-1971 Page 477
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Page content
cii Annual Report of the Delegacy department of french Cocking 'Literature in Proust's life and thought Forum for Modern Language Studies July 1969 Review in French Studies Gross -P 'Saint-Just en mission la naissance d'un mythe Annales historiques de la Revolution frangaisc 1968 27-59 'L'emprunt force du 10 brummaire an II' and other articles Actes du Colloque Saint-Just Societe des Etudes Robespierristes Paris 1968 L'CEuvre de Saint-Just essai de bibliographie aitique Paris 1968 120 Hackett Mary 'Aspects de la langue vulgaire du Poitou d'apr£s un document latin du onzi£me siecle Melanges offerts Rita Lejeune Liege February 1969 Howells 'The Enigma of Partage de Midi study in ambiguity Claudel Reappraisal ed Richard Griffiths Rapp Whiting London 1968 Rinsler Norma Reviews in Modern Language Review Smith 'Georges Neveux and the oral element in modern French poetry Aus- tralian of French Studies special number Modern French Poetry II No 1968 department of german Flood Section on the German Language in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies XXIX 1967 390-400 Reviews in The Library and German Life and Letters Fowler Edition of Schiller's Poems with Introduction and Notes Macmillan London April 1969 German theses in progress at British universities and work due to be published in 1g6g Institute of Germanic Studies London January 1969 department of history Brown The Normans and the Norman Conquest American edition hardback and paperback Crowell New York 1969 Rochester Castle official guide London 1969 Elliott Foreword to Lublinskaya French Absolutism The Crucial Phase 1620-2g Cambridge University Press 1968 'Revolution and continuity in Early Modern Europe Past and Present -42 1969
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