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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-470

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Page content

Annual Report of the Delegacy xcv Phil Turner The educational influence of Robert Owen in England with particular reference to the infant schools directly developed from the New Lanark pattern between 1819 and 1839 by examination Smetham FACULTY OF ENGINEERING department of civil engineering Ph Jordaan The time dependent strains of concrete under multi-axial systems of stress Sc by examination Blenkey with Distinction Gani Lea Moeng Phok Wilkinson department of electronic and electrical engineering Ph Couchman Radiation damage in single metal crystals Sc in Electronics by examination Dayal Helmy Mchta with Distinction department of mechanical engineering Ph Adler The mixing of liquid jet in hot gases Ph Arnold Engine gas flow measurement by hot-wire anemometry Sc Internal Combustion Engineering by examination Campbell Κ Halliwell Papadimitrou Paranavitane Rehman Samaga with Distinction Yuk Sc Powder Technology by examination Pandit Patel Sc Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by examination St Baker Khosla Ζ Rabia FACULTY OF LAWS Ph Η Dean Provocation its role as defence in the determination of criminal liability in English Romano-Dutch and South African Law Ph Ntamark Constitutional development of the Cameroons since 1914 Ph Scott The development of and trends in the rules relating to the joinder of parties in criminal proceedings on indictment in England and Wales and in the federal jurisdiction of the with reference to some other jurisdictions in the common law tradition Phil Hanif Self defence in Criminal Law comparative study of English and Pakistan Law Phil Hirschberg The monetary obligation and the value of money LL by examination Ahmed Ahmed Akponor Μ Aliyu Birikorang Birtles Bose Chand Μ Cracknell with Distinction Crockett Das El Bashir Diana Graveson Pauline Heath Κ Jariwala McElrea Moham- med Morris Salih Scotland Sendze Sornarajah Sullivan Tabachnik with Distinction Wolfe Yunus
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