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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1970-1971-416

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Annual Report of the Delegacy xii Departmental Notes Professor Maguinness presented communication at the Vita Latina Congress in Avignon in April 1969 and attended the Inter- national Committee for the Conventus Omnium Gentium et Nationum at the Istituto di Studi Romani in Rome Professor Winnington-Ingram read paper to the Institute of Classical Studies on 'Pindar's Ninth Pythian Ode' Mr Courtney read paper to the Oxford Philological Society on 'The Textual Tradition of Valerius Flaccus' and one to the Oxford University Classical Society on 'Acanthis and Dipsas Propertius and Ovid Amores 8' He also gave intercollegiate lectures on Propertius Mrs Averil Cameron spent the session 1967-68 as Visiting Pro- fessor in the Department of Classics Columbia New York Miss Anna Dionisotti gave intercollegiate lectures on Roman Elegy and read paper to the Warburg Institute on 'Lambinus' There has been further development in intercollegiate teaching of Special Subjects in which the department has played an active part The teaching programme in the department has been considerably revised in keeping with the radical changes in syllabus announced by the University The Classics Department now offers Combined Honours courses in all the groups for which other departments co-operate Four well-attended performances were given by the King's College Classical Society of the Alcestis of Euripides in Greek department of english Number of Students Subsidiary 18 Honours 84 Postgraduate 44 Departmental Notes Less than fortnight before the opening of the session the department suffered an unexpected and grievous loss by the sudden death of Dr John Sheard the Reader in English Language He is much missed His colleagues remember him with affectionate respect for his un- compromising devotion to his subject and many generations of King's
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